Hello! I'm Meag, and welcome to my mess!

On this site you will find my projects, links to things I like, and probably more!

This page is still a work in progress, more stuff will be added in the near(?) future :)

gear  THINGS TO ADD   gear

A page for links to things I like
An about page DONE!
A page for my art DONE!
Probably more???


09/01/2024 - Big Update! I added an art page, a credits page, some buttons over the footer, external link images to the external links, and a mental state indicator (plus some miscellaneous behind-the-scenes stuff!) also my site has a button now (several actually) feel free to use them :)

08/23/2024 - Added an about page and some external links in the sidebar, and updated some of the site's styling ^ᴗ^

08/19/2024 - Version 0.1 is online! included is: an actual layout, some temporary graphics, and a complete lack of any content!

Current mental state